Thursday, February 25, 2010

Invitation to thanks "Crazy Mom"

This is a letter I sent out to friends to inform  them about all the awesomeness & craziness we have been experiencing. We were so excited (and still are) about sharing with others how God is working in our lives. It's just so amazing that we can't keep our mouths shut....we want to scream at the top of our lungs. In my mind (while this is all panning out for us)....I think back at how so many people we run into everyday have said "how they want to lose weight" or "have a sick child" or even sick themselves. So in my most nieve, caring heart....I thought it would be a great idea to share this information we feel so fortunate to have. We invited so many people, we honestly thought we wouldn't have enough food or places to sit. I was even planning the next one before I even got through this one.
All this sounds really great in my head, but what I have come to understand is... I am now what I like to call the "Crazy mom". I have a friend she uses the term "Granola Crunchy mom". (I like that Please know this does not offend me at all. I am so glad to be the "crazy mom" rather than the mom that has a child with Asthma! I do have to admit, it really bothered me at first...because in my mind I just wanted to tell how this changed our lives & maybe somehow it could change someone elses as well. Mostly because I look back at all the signs Cameron had & all the tests we had done & all the Drs. we had seen,  no one told us nutrition plays a major role in our health. Drs. just prescribed more meds. & people around us just refered us to more Drs.  Anyways, what it boils down to is....I wished someone would have told me sooner ....I couldn't keep this info to myself. Don't worry I haven't lost faith, but maybe now I will go about it in a different way. I have even had a couple people call me and ask about what we are doing. I also know that even if our story only helps one person even if we don't realize will all be worth it. So I will keep screaming as long as I can!
Now on w/ the *letter I sent out....week of December 10th, 2009.

*Dear Friends,
I am sending out this letter to let everyone know how God has been working in our lives.
Cameron (my 5 yr old) was diagnosed with Apraxia of Speech and has been working with a speech therapist since he turned two (Diagnosed by 3 separate therapists). For the last year and a half he has been seeing 2 therapists 4 times a week for 30 mins. a session, with little improvement. Even when things seemed to be going well he would have severe setbacks & it just seemed so difficult for him just to find a word.
In addition to speech issues he has severe Asthma & Allergies....which means he was on a ton of meds. including: the highest doses possible of Flovent, Singulair, Flonase, & Albuterol & that was when things were going well. Meds were even more severe during sick months (Pulmicort, Xopenex & Zyrtec). He has been on 90% of these meds since he was less than a year old.
Right around the end of summer I started realizing we couldn't go on living like this ....things weren't getting better and I was worried about allergy season starting. First I started taking him to be adjusted by a Chiropractor (Dr. Matt & Dr. Dorene Witter).
Then we started vitamin supplements and started doing a lot of reading & staying up late googling.
I would say we started to see improvements in less than 2 weeks & he just keeps getting better everyday. Along with vit. supp.....we have also changed his diet. Dietary changes include being Gluten free, Casein free & yeast free. We also give him a probiotic supplement for yeast overgrowth. His diet mostly consists of organic meat, org, vegetables, org fruit, some brown rice on occasion, healthy oils, & eggs. We go by the advanced nutrition plan in the book Maximized Living. Overall we have been doing vit. supp., dietary changes, chiropractic care all together for about 17 weeks. Around week 6 & 7 both therapists reported amazing changes in his speech and both feel like he is coming away from being Apraxic (neurological dsorder) and leaning more towards just having Phonological issues. Just three months ago both therapists were reporting how he was regressing and things weren't looking we are seeing steady, consistent improvements & jumping ahead like he never had Apraxia of speech. It is unbelievable!
As for Meds. he is no longer taking Flonase, Singulair, Albuterol, & we just lowered the last med. (Flovent) to the lowest possible dosage. Asthma Dr. feels confident he will come off Flovent as well; in a couple months....we just have to do it slowly so his body adjusts to all these changes. After talking to his Asthma Dr (who was stunned by his rapid progress)...he suggested that I tell others about our testimony. So having said that, let me tell how this all came about. This would not have been possible without prayer & God laying out this plan just perfectly for us. All the glory goes to God !
It all started in a prayer group in our Bible study class on Sunday morning. I had asked for the group to prayer for Cameron’s asthma to be gone. (I was tired of praying just to get by to the next asthma episode....I wanted it to be gone) Now I have to admit I had never prayed for God to just heal Cameron completely...matter of fact I prayed for his illnesses very seldom, mostly because I just figured this is what we were dealt & I shouldn’t complain. We are very thankful & I just think my image of what God could do was way too small. I think I am finally realizing how BIG ....God really is! What’s even better and this is just the icing on the cake...Kendall has also benefited dramatically from this change in our life. He has lost over 30 lbs & his asthma is gone as well. How amazing - we asked God to heal Cameron & he is healing our whole family.
Now if this isn’t enough....we found out this last week that Cameron has Celiac disease. Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease in which the lining of the small intestine is damaged from eating gluten found in wheat, barley, rye, & possibly oats. When Cameron eats a food that contains gluten his body has a toxic reaction and attacks itself. The only treatment is a lifelong gluten free diet ....which is what we are already striving to do. There are no meds or cure for Celiac disease only good nutrition. Now it does get more complicated, but overall how amazing is that ... God placed the treatment in our hands before we even knew the diagnoses. God is amazing!
Now what does this information have to do with you? Well we have benefited so much from what God has placed in front of us that we would be selfish to keep it to ourselves. After all the doctors & specialists we have seen, Drs. Matt & Dorene Witter are the only ones that have taken the time to help us find the root cause to our health problems. So I asked them to do a health talk in our home to talk about all the things they have so graciously been teaching us. And I say graciously because they have gone far and beyond the typical office visit. It is worth listening to....just look at my family. So take a look at the invite & let me know that you are coming!

*another reason for posting this invite is to show a glimpse of our history, mainly Cameron's. Kendall has his own amazing story.

1 comment:

  1. I'm happy you are sharing your story! You will inspire others!
